Friday, June 26, 2009

Let by gone be by gone

دع الأیام تفعل ما تشاء وطب نفسا إذا حكم القضاء
ولا تجزع لحادثة اللیالي فما لحوادث الدنیا بقاء
وكن رجلا على الأهوال جلدا وشیمتك السماحة والوفاء
وإن كثرت عیوبك في البرایا وسرك أن یكون لها غطاء
تستر بالسخاء فكل عیب یغطیه - كما قیل -السخاء
ولا تر للأعداء قط ذلا فإن شماتة الأعداء بلاء
ولا ترج السماحة من بخیل فما في النار للظمآن ماء
ورزقك لیس ینقصه التأني
ولا حزن یدوم ولا سرور ولا بؤس علیك ولا رخاء
إذا ما كنت ذا قلب قنوع فأنت ومالك الدنیا سواء
ومن نزلت بساحته المنایا فلا أرض تقیه ولا سماء
وأرض الله واسعــة ولكن إذا نزل القضا ضاق الفضاء
دع الأيام تغدر كل حيــن فما يغني عن الموت الـدواء

Part from the days where you used to do as you wish
And restrain your soul when the decree of Allah is ordained
And don't despair over the events of the past
For none of the events of the dunya were ever meant to remain
And be a man who is firm upon his affairs
And whose character is that of pardoning and nobility
And there is no sadness or happiness that is continuous
Just as there is there is no comfort or pain
If you are a person who is satisfied with what he has
Then you and the owner of all possessions are equal
And upon he who's open valley death descends upon
Then there is no earth or sky to protect you from it
And the earth of Allah is vast but
When the ordainment of Allah descends even the open valley congests
Let the days rotate itself as no cure from death.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Poems in Human Capital

When we explore carefully his poems, there are many poems that suit to the human capital development as a part of nation buliding.
here are some examples :

Faqihan wa-sufiyyan fakun laysa wahidan
fa'inni wa-haqqillahi iyyaka ansahu
Fadhalika qasin lam yadhuq qalbuhu tuqan
wahadha jahulun kayfa dhul-jahli yasluhu

Be both a jurisprudent and a s.ûfî - never just one of the two.
Truly, by the Divine Right, I am advising you sincerely!
For the former is hardened, his heart tastes no Godwariness,
While the latter is ignorant - of what use is the ignorance.

إذَا الْمَرْءُ أَفْشَى سِرِّهُ بِلِسَانِهِ * وَلاَمَ عَلَيْهِ غَيْرَهُ فَهُوَ أَحْمَقُ
إِذَا ضَاقَ صَدْرُ المَرْءِ عَنْ سِرِّ نَفْسِهِ * فَصَدْرُ الَّذِي يُسْتَودْعُ السِّرَّ أَضْيَقُ

If a man spreads his secret with his own tongue
and blames another... then he is a fool.
If his own breast is too narrow to conceal his own secret,
Then the breast of the one in whom he places it is even narrower

Then, al Imam also said as below:

لسانك لا تذكر به عورة امرئ *** فكلّـك عورات وللناس ألسـن

وعينك إن أبدت إليك معايباً *** فدعها وقل : يا عين للناس أعينُ

Let not your tongue mention the shame of another
For you yourself are covered in shame and all men have tongues.
If your eye falls upon the sins of your brother
Shield them and say: "O my eye! All men have eyes!"

لمن نعطي رأينا
ولا تعطين الرأي من لايريده
فلا أنت محمود ولا الرأي نافعه

To the one we give our opinions
And do not give your opinion to one who does not want it
For you are not praiseworthy and the opinion will not benefit him

...and there are many more poems related to develop a good syakhsiah as an insan.